Intermediate Licence

Now that you have your foundation licence and have gained experience operating your radio equipment, it may be time for you to move on to an Intermediate Licence.

The main advantage of stepping up to the Intermediate Licence is the increase in permitted operating power.

You go from the 10 watts of the Foundation Licence, up to 100 watts as an Intermediate Licence holder. 

It’s actually not necessary to take a course to sit the Intermediate exam, but we would strongly recommend doing so.  Our FARS trainers have a wealth of knowledge and years of experience to impart to their students.

Understandably the Intermediate course is longer and more challenging than the Foundation.  You will need a copy the Intermediate Licence, Building on the Foundation book, which is available from the RSGB.

The Intermediate Licence aims teach many of the fundamentals of radio in a stimulating way by actually undertaking practical tasks.  You will need to complete a record of achievement to demonstrates your competence in basic electronics.  This involves soldering a rudimentary circuit using some of the components you learned about on the course, as well as a few other tasks.  You are unable to take the exam until you have completed the practical section.

But don't worry, FARS can work though this with you!

A £10.00 fee is charged for all courses and exams (reduced fee for under 18's) - included is 12 months FREE membership to Furness Amateur Radio Society. No fees for existing FARS members.  NB - exam fees also apply


The exam

The examination consists of 45 multiple-choice questions each with four possible responses, and covers all the sections from the Intermediate Licence,  Building on the Foundation book.

The examination lasts one hour and 25 minutes.  Your exam paper is marked by the invigilator straight after the exam so, as with the Foundation, you have a good idea whether you passed or not.

There is an exam fee which is payable prior to taking the exam.  FARS will arrange the exam for you and this can be taken 'on request' meaning there are no set dates.

What happens after the exam?

If your pass is confirmed you will receive an official result sheet from the RSGB Examinations Department within six days of receipt of your exam paper.   You will also receive a certificate a few days later.

You may then log on to the Ofcom licensing system to apply for your licence.  Ofcom will then issue you with your new, upgraded radio licence and you can get started immediately on the Intermediate frequency allocations at up to 50 watts power.

Contact FARS if you would like more information about the Intermediate Licence course and exam.