Advanced / Full Amateur Radio Licence

Now you have your Intermediate Licence maybe you'd like to take the final step in the UK amateur radio licensing: the Advanced Radio Communications exam leading to the issuing of a Full Licence.

A lot of privileges and responsibilities come with a Full Licence, not least from the fact that you will be able to transmit at up to 1000 watts of power.   
With a Full Licence you will also have the ability to legally transmit from almost every country in the world, and even at sea as 'maritime mobile'

There is no specific course for the Full Licence and we'll not pretend that getting a Full Licence will be easy.  A complex technical exam has to be passed that requires considerable study for success.
So you must be prepared to invest a good amount of time and effort in your studies.

We suggest a study period of 4 to 6 months.  But don't worry, FARS will support you through your studies.
There is with no practical training element, it is pure theory.  A copy of Advanced, the Full Licence Manual is essential and can be obtained from the RSGB.

A £10.00 fee is charged for all exams (reduced fee for under 18's.  No Fees for existing FARS members)
Included is 12 months FREE membership to Furness Amateur Radio Society. NB - exam fees also apply. 

The exam

Exam is by a written examination paper of 62 multiple choice questions each with four possible responses.
The examination lasts two hours and, unlike the Foundation and Intermediate exams, is only available on set dates.

exam dates :

From May 2016 the Advance Exam is now available 'On Demand' in the same way as the Foundation and Intermediate exams - contacts us for details if you would like to arrange an Advanced Exam.

There is an exam fee which is payable prior to taking the exam.  FARS will arrange the exam for you based on the dates above.
Note the closing date for exam applications.

What happens after the exam?

Unlike the Foundation and Intermediate, the Advanced exam papers are not locally marked but sent to RSGB headquarters for electronic marking.  During the exam you will need to write your answers on an Optical Marking sheet as Advanced Exam papers are now marked optically.  

Results will be issued six days after receipt, and also sent to Ofcom, with your certificate will be issued a few days later.  You may then apply for your Full Licence on the Ofcom website.

Ofcom will then issue you with your new, upgraded radio licence and you can get started immediately on the Full Licence frequency allocations at up to 400 watts power.

For almost all radio amateurs receiving a Full Licence is a very proud moment, indicating as it does that their skills and knowledge of amateur radio have been tested to the highest level possible in the UK. 

Contact FARS if you would like more information about the Advanced Licence exam