Foundation Licence
The Foundation licence is your gateway to amateur radio.
Once you have completed a short course and taken a relatively simple exam that covers radio basics, you are able to operate on the most frequently used amateur bands, without supervision, with a power up 10 watts.
This may not sound like very much power, but once you get experience operating your radio you will find it is enough to make contacts almost anywhere in the world.
The Foundation courses take place in a friendly and informal environment and are conducted by experienced FARS members who are accredited trainers and examiners. The foundation course and exam provides you with an introduction to amateur radio and consists of some practical assessments such as how to connect your radio equipment, how to make a radio contact and a basic introduction to morse code. Following this you learn some basics of radio communications and electronics theory. Nothing too heavy, just enough to help you understand how to set up your radio and operate 'on the air'
A £10.00 fee is charged for all courses and exams (reduced fee for under 18's) - included is 12 months FREE membership to Furness Amateur Radio Society. No fees for existing FARS members. NB - exam fees also apply

The foundation course take between 10 to 12 hours and is normally run over a weekend with the exam taking place on the Sunday afternoon. You will need a copy of the Foundation Now book that can be bought from the RSGB, and this contains everything you need to know for the course and exam.
The exam
The Foundation exam is very straightforward and consists of 26 multiple choice questions which you have 45 minutes to answer.
Your exam paper is checked by the invigilator straight after the exam so you will have a good idea if you have passed before you leave.
The formal marking is carried out electronically at the RSGB Examinations Department. There is an exam fee which is payable prior to taking the exam. FARS will arrange the exam for you and this can be taken 'on request' meaning there are no set dates.
What happens after the exam?
FARS will send your exam results to the RSGB. If you have been successful and passed, you will receive a certificate and your candidate number. The RSGB examination office will upload your pass to Ofcom, who are responsible for issuing amateur radio licences in the UK.
You may then log on to the Ofcom licensing system to apply for your licence and call sign. Then it's time to get 'on the air' and start making some contacts!
Please contact FARS if you would like more information about the Foundation Licence course and exam