Use of Club Callsign, GX4ARF, by FARS Members
The objective is to allow Furness Amateur Radio Society members to use the clubs licence call sign (always to be used as GX4ARF) in line with the licence requirements. The use of the GX prefix is to be used to draw attention to FARS on the air, meaning all QSO's must state that this is the call sign for 'Furness Amateur Radio Society'.
The call sign can be used by all FARS club members from their home QTH or alternative QTH using their own equipment, using the call sign as GX4ARF/A. Or portable using GX4ARF/P
The /A or /P suffix should be used as the main station address stated on the licence is Gleaston Water Mill. So any operations that are not at this location must use a suitable suffix.
the following is required for using gx4arf
- GX4ARF is Full (Club) Licence and as such must be used according to the licence – a copy of the licence must be read prior to using the GX4ARF call sign and is available for download here
Key points (but by no means in full detail)...
3(5) Only where this Licence is a Full (Club) Licence issued to the Licensee for use on behalf of a Club, may the Licensee:
(a) authorise any Club member who holds their own separate Full Licence to use and supervise the operation of the Radio Equipment on the Licensee’s behalf under this Licence; - As stated in the licence, the GX4ARF may only be used unsupervised by Full licence holders
- As stated in the licence, Foundation and Intermediate licence holders may only use the GX4ARF only when supervised by a Full licence holder (The full licence holder must be a member of FARS)
- A log is required to be kept at all times and by all persons using GX4ARF (with the exception when used for Friday club nets). Please ensure logs are returned to 7 days so a central record can be kept.
- The GX4ARF is available to all FARS members, and a request to use the call sign must be made in advance and may only be used by one person at any given time.
- The current QSL procedure is for NO QSL cards to be sent or received by any method.
- A page has been created and contains information on FARS. If you would like any specific information adding please email it to
- By operating as GX4ARF you have read and understood the licence conditions document, plus it's important to remember that you are representing FARS on air.